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Strategic Evaluation on Maternal Mortality in Mexico 2010
This report provides an account of the socio-demographic characteristics of the people who have died due to the major causes of maternal death; the results are presented in five sections addressing the most relevant clinical aspects of the causes of death analyzed in this study. |
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Diagnostic of Progress on Monitoring and Evaluation in the Federal Entities 2013
The purpose of this document is to provide information to the federal entities on the progress they show on monitoring and evaluation. This biennial action allows observing the process followed by federal entities, analyzing to what extent they have progressed from 2011 to date and identifying the areas of opportunity in which there is still pending work to achieve the institutionalization of the monitoring and evaluation elements
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Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2012
The Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2012 consists of the update and extension of the Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2011, keeping as main inputs the poverty measurements and the evaluations performed; this Report aims to evaluate what have we achieved and what we need to achieve in the performance of the social development policy during the last years, particularly between 2008 and 2011, a period characterized by an increase of food prices and the international economic and financial crisis.
Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2011
The Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2011 aims to evaluate the performance of social development policy in recent years, especially between the years 2008 and 2010, period characterized by an increased in food prices and the financial and international crisis that impacted our country: How has the government been successful? What are the main problems that have been found?
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Historical Evaluation Report on the Population’s Nutritional Status and the Food, Nutrition and Supply Programs in Mexico
CONEVAL edits this report which reviews the evolution of the main nutritional issues that affect the Mexicans, as well as the different policies, strategies and actions undertaken by the Federal Government to alleviate them.
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Food Security Dimensions: Nutrition and Food Supply Strategic Evaluation
CONEVAL is aware of the importance of nutrition problems in Mexico, reason why the Nutrition and Food Supply Strategic Evaluation was carried out. Its main objective is to assess the government response to attend the Mexican population’s main nutritional problems, such as malnutrition, anaemia, excess weight and obesity.
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Ramo 33 in Mexico’s Social Development: An Evaluation of Eight Public Policy Funds
The evaluation’s main objective is to examine the results obtained, in terms of education, health, social security and infrastructure, from “Ramo 33” funds, with the purpose of issuing public policy recommendations that may bring a better sub national social and economic development, as well as a more equitable distribution of resources.
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Evaluation Report on Social Development Policy in Mexico 2008
This publication is a diagnosis of social development as of the nineties. It aims to analyze Mexico’s performance in matters of social development, with two main goals: to contribute to the Federal Government’s accountability, and to issue recommen-dations for the improvement of social policy performance.
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Regulations for the Evaluation of Federal Programs
This publication provides the guidelines that each external evaluation shall follow, as well as the technical aspects to consider when elaborating an Indicator Matrix. With this, CONEVAL works in institutionalizing a monitoring and evaluation system, which is an important pillar in Mexico’s social policy decision-making
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