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Poverty Measurement
Evolution of income poverty in Mexican federal states

With the purpose of making public information on the evolution of poverty in Mexican federal states, the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) presents the income poverty estimations of Mexico’s states corresponding to the 1992 – 2008 period.


With this, the CONEVAL provides relevant elements for the planning of state and national development, and contributes with the generation of information through rigorous methodological processes regarding poverty measurement in federal states.


Food, capability and patrimony poverty estimations corresponding to the years 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 were made based on the National Household and Expense Survey (ENIGH) for those entities which, in some of these years, counted with a major sample of homes enabling to make poverty estimations at state level.


The calculation of poverty levels by federal state is made through the same methodology as the estimation of income poverty at national level. That is, once the total net income per capita is calculated, the homes and individuals under the poverty line are identified.


The calculation program, same used to estimate income poverty at national level, presents a table with the poverty incidence results for each of the states whose ENIGH sample enables making estimations for the appropriate years. 
Likewise, it features income poverty maps for all the states corresponding to the years 2000 and 2005 published by the CONEVAL. We should mention these estimations were made through the income imputation methodology (see technical note) which uses those years’ census data and the ENIGH.



Unload presentation of income poverty by federal state


Unload poverty figures by federal state  


Unload technical note for poverty measurement by federal state  


Unload STATA calculation programs   


Unload full release     



Go to changes in poverty levels by federal state, 2000-2005