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Poverty Measurement


The General Law of Social Development (LGDS) indicates that it is necessary to take into account the following indicators to measure poverty: current per capita income, educational gap, access to health services, access to social security, quality and spaces of the dwelling, access to basic services in the dwelling, access to food and degree of social cohesion.

To measure the income indicator, CONEVAL updated the content of the food basket and non-food to 2006. The above measurement by income, estimated food poverty, skills and assets, it was developed considering a food basket of the 1986, which is outdated.

Databases with information from the previous measurement are available on this page.

On the other hand, both statewide and at the municipal level estimates of poverty by income and Gini index from 1990 to 2010 were realized. This index allows you to observe changes in the economic inequality and the income concentration.