2014 Results of poverty in Mexico at the
national and state level
compliance with the provisions established in the General Law of
Social Development (Ley General de Desarrollo Social, LGDS), CONEVAL releases the estimates of poverty in Mexico and for each
state for 2014.
The purpose of this information is to provide the elements to
improve public policy aimed at fighting poverty
in Mexico. Armed with a knowledge of the status of the dimensions that
comprise the phenomenon of poverty
in Mexico, the different levels of government (federal, state and
municipal) can identify the areas that require additional institutional effort,
as well as the regions of the country in urgent need of strengthening the
response to the population living in poverty or in economic or social

The 2014 poverty in Mexico estimates were
calculated based on data from the Socioeconomic Conditions Module of the
National Survey of Household Income and Expenses (Módulo de Condiciones
Socioeconómicas de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares,
MCS-ENIGH) performed by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography
(Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, INEGI) between August and
November 2014, which were published on July 16, 2015.